Coming Soon

A New Series of Webinars entitled, "Let's Talk About...." In which I'll be joined by an industry leader and expert in their field to talk about a topic in the EDEI, Social Justice space.

The first webinar is called "Let's talk about Race - A conversation across two Worlds".  Perspectives on Race from the viewpoint of myself, an older white man and my guest Mervin J Taylor, a London African Caribbean (LAC) Workshop Facilitator and Consultant.  During the 90-minute conversation we will be exploring, Privilege, Allyship, Discrimination, Intersectionality, Unconscious Bias, Stereotyping and much more.  Future webinars will include: Let's talk about Gender, Let's talk about Disability, Let's talk about Transgender and Let's talk about Mental Health. 

A number of the training workshops that I offer can be tailored to fit a particular sector need.  For example, I have delivered Mental Health and Wellbeing workshops for industries as diverse as construction and education.